Gergely Boda

My name is Gergely Boda, I am a 21 years old athlete living in Romania. I come from Miercurea Ciuc (Harghita County) and I'm a full-timer mountain biker and content creator.

I have been very much involved in commerce since my childhood and I love it very much. My speciality is enduro mountain biking, in which I am a racer and digital content creator. So far in my life I have participated in many competitions and projects.

The projects that I am involved in are great shows for people and spectators (for example - MISSION: TRANSFAGARASAN - ). This project was done in Transfagarasan, one of the most famous places in Romania. The content of the project is the presentation of the Fagaraș Mountains and the wilderness of the Romanian Alps on a mountain bike. I love projects and making videos and content because it is unique. I love to impress people with my content and I am sure that your sponsorship will help me achieve my goal. I really like to draw attention to myself with my uniqueness, and that's the biggest benefit of digital content creation, you can gain a huge advantage and viewership with creativity.

My biggest goals is to come out on top in the Mountain of Hell, Transmadeira and Megavalanche competitions!

In 2023 I could participate in my first Megavalanche competition in Alpe d'Huez. In the qualifying race, I took 28th place out of 150 competitors with a time of 19:59 minutes, so I could participate in the Megavalanche among the best 350 elite athletes. In the final race, I reached the finish line in 1 hour 2:45 minutes, which placed me 89th in my category, in the U30 age group, and 202nd overall out of the best 350.

Another big dream of mine is to create projects that are completely unique, such as riding on mountain peaks over 5000 meters, shredding on volcanoes, deserts, jungles, and many other similar ideas.

Thanks Team,

Gergely Bod